Children’s Activities

Weekly Opportunities:
Sunday School: (meets Sunday morning at 9:30am in the Fellowship Hall)
The Sunday STEAM program is a new, totally different way of doing Sunday School! Children age 3 years—5th grade will be in mixed-age groups exploring Bible stories through different STEAM-based activities such as art, music, construction, drama, games, science, etc. Active learning is a HUGE part of this program, so you won’t be seeing weekly worksheets here! We will be getting children out of their seats & immersed in fun, faithful learning! Imagine children baking bread as they hear about Jesus feeding the 5000 or completing an engineering challenge to build an ark out of popsicle sticks & playdough while learning about Noah.  Those are the kind of experiences families can expect their children to enjoy at Sunday STEAM!

Worship: (meets Sunday morning at 10:45am in the Sanctuary)
Family worship every Sunday at 10:45am includes a Children’s Moment where all children gather at the front of the church for a short Bible lesson followed by children gathering a coin offering for quarterly mission projects.

-Acolyte Training
-3rd Grade Bible Presentation

Special Events for Children & Families:
-Mission Trips for Youth & Families
-Summer Camp
-Fall Fest
-Easter Egg Hunt
-Carols & Candles