Mission Opportunities

Dollar Sunday-sponsored by Faith Works is the 1st Sunday of each month. A special collection is taken to help support different projects/organizations in the county.

Food Bank – The Republic County Food Bank is housed within the church, offering food assistance to families throughout the county.

Meals on Wheels – Church members serve on a rotating schedule with other churches in the community to provide delivery of meals for those in need.

Mission Trips – Short-term mission trips are offered for individuals, youth, & families. Trips vary in length & location, including out-of-state trips every other year. 

Disaster Response – When disaster strikes, UMCOR (the United Methodist Committee on Relief) is there to help. Church members can participate in mission projects related to natural disasters such as tornado or flood recovery. Individuals can also receive training to become ERTs (Early Response Team members). ERTs become part of a “deployment list” that are contacted the United Methodist Great Plains Conference when a need arises that could use volunteers.